Monday, July 9, 2012

Locks of glove

Years ago, I read Richard Russo's book Empire Falls, which is incredibly hilarious. There is a character in it who is called "The Silver Fox." I was so jealous of someone having such a fabulous name for his tinted locks, and severly saddened that I had not thought of it first. I had to settle for being called "the grey goose" (thanks a lot Skylor), which is less flattering and also the name of a vodka brand, and I no longer wish to be equal to fermented potatoes.

I have decided that some classic hairstyles should be "re-branded" to my liking- this is what I have come up with for those of us out there with silver foxyness:

The greyhawk
The greyhive 
The grouffant
The greytail
A greytee
The grullet
The greytop
The gob

and for aging Justin Beiber fans: Grangs (I really hope there are no aging Justin Beiber fans out there). 

As for where these new styles will be crafted, I have put a patent in for "The Silver Scissors Shack" They should call me any day now. 

p.s. Reidster, enjoy your dark hair now, because genetics are not on your side. 

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