Monday, July 2, 2012

Eatin' vegan

Every time we take a trip together, Kim does a stellar job of preparing, as she is a master-planner and I am somewhat disorganized. There is a tradition that we have developed that I could do without:

Kim peruses the internet for each city we will be visiting and finds suitable vegetarian places to eat. Mostly, these cafes, restaurants and dives are located in an area of the metropolis that could politely be called "economically disadvantaged." You know the area- urban blight that has been ignored for years and years. Suddenly, it becomes the "it" neighborhood to all the young suburban college-educated hipsters. They choose to live in these areas because the rent is cheaper and they want desperately to escape the drudgery of living with mom and dad. Who can blame them? Well today in Cincinnati, we visited a vegan cafe in one of those "it's an up-and-coming neighborhood" that never quite gets up. 

After paying $21.50 for lunch, which to me is highly unacceptable, we left and got on the road to Indy. During lunch, however, we were seated next to two of these college hipsters who were talking about their educations, their jobs, etc. They must have mentioned to each other 450 times that they had master's degrees. "When I was in undergrad, I blah blah blah" "I had a double-major in blah blah blah. Quite annoying to listen to for both of us. I wanted to tell them "Look, we get it, you have graduate degrees, now shut up about it!" Just go home and polish your diplomas.

1 comment:

  1. You should have gone over and said, "Hi, I'm Dr. Nelson, a History professor from Virginia. This is my wife, also Dr. Nelson. We are checking into different graduate programs for our daughter, Carter Nelson. Any recommendations?"
