Thursday, July 5, 2012

BIG city

I grew up in WDC and always assumed it was a small city. Then I moved away and visited places like NYC, Paris, Berlin, Bangkok, LA  and Dallas to name a few. All this traveling to megalopolises reinforced that my view was right- DC is small. 

Now that I have been living in suburban Virginia, near Richmond, which truly is a small city, my view has changed. I went to visit DC in April and was tootling around my old stomping grounds and I realized- wow this city is enormous! Deep down I still think it is a small city, but I think that I have become smaller- not physically, but in the sense of realizing my own insignificance in this world. I don't mean that in a bad way- just objectively. 

Well, with that in mind, today Kim, Carter, The Reidster and I drove into Chicago for the first time in my life. This city is amazingly big! It's hard for me to even register the scope of its enormity. It kind of feels like being in NYC, but much vaster. It going to be an awesome place to discover for the next few days. I've always wanted to come to Chicago and here we are!

Oh yeah- we saw a car completely engulfed in flames on the highway in Indiana today. The guy had just jumped out of the van and it was BLAZING. And when we got to the hotel room, Kim thought it would be good to give Reid some "naked time." He proceeded to, how can I say this politely- "void his bowels" on the hotel carpet. Kind of like a situation I had with Carter a while ago, except then I stepped in it in bare feet. Love will make you do (or clean) anything, I suppose. (just for the record, Kim asked me not to share that bit o' info, but clearly I didn't listen.)


  1. DC seems huge (and busy) compared to Orlando as well...
