Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shameless Capitalism

I have started a new blog! Don't worry, it will be in addition to this one, not replacing this one. It's a blog centered on education. I have titled it "Secondary Teaching and Learning." I'm going to use it to address educational topics, teaching, current research and stuff like that. The address is 

Check it out and like it on facebook for me. I titled this post "Shameless Capitalism" because maybe I'll make a little money off this other blog.

But not to fear! The inanity of this blog will stay right on track! Look for tomorrow's post on obnoxious and eccentric neighbors. Should be fun! That blog is for serious stuff and this one is the, well, you know, what it's for don't cha?

I love you all.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Where were you when.....

I wonder if that, for the current generation of 20-somethings (whom I refer to as "gentext"), the movie theatre shooting in Colorado could become one of those watershed moments that every generation has (think Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, man on the moon, fall of Saigon, you get the idea). Of course I may be overstating things a bit. With that in mind I was thinking of bad events that the media have gone gaga for over the course of my life. And, where was I when they happened???? I'll work backwards. Before I start, let's pause for me to take my fish-oil memory pills. 

OK, I'm ready:

9/11/2001:     At the high school where I was teaching French. In a spooky aside, I had just put down a book about the 1993 WTC bombing after thinking "Who would try that?" Not one minute later, I was told about 9/11.

 July 1996:    TWA flight 800 crashed going to France: I remember this because I had a flight on TWA in August 1996.

Summer 1995:   Chicago heat wave that killed over 700 people: Working in D.C. area- it was really hot.

April 1995:      OKC bombing: working at Mail Boxes, Etc. in Irvine, CA. I had a silly apron I had to wear.

Summer 1987:   Baby Jessica:     Little girl fell into a pipe in Midland, Texas. All over the news- seems almost quaint now. I was in front of the t.v. like everyone else.

1986:     Challenger explosion:   I remember this one like it was yesterday. In 9th grade and the class clown came back to class from the office and said "The shuttle just exploded." Not one of us believed him, including the teacher.

March 1981:    Reagan shot:    I was in grade school not too far from the scene of the assassination attempt. I remember we wrote "get well soon" letters to Mr. Reagan and the others who were injured. I still have the thank you note from Mr. Reagan somewhere around here.

 Now I really have to think hard.....

1979-1981 more or less:    Hostages in Iran:  I remember being a little kiddie and there were yellow ribbons on all the trees. I was going to rip one off and a friend told me not to because of why they were up.

late 1970s:     Oil embargo:  I remember sitting in the car forever to get gas over and over again.

 That's as far as I can go without making stuff up. What about you, dear reader? What do you remember?
What disasters and catastrophes will Carter and Reid remember, I wonder.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My public SONAR ping

Listening is an art. This is not something that I realized by myself, it is a talent/skill that I have been developing since 1992. This is the year I was told that I am not a very good listener. I have done a few things since 1992, the most important (in order) are:

1. Getting older and wiser.
2. Practicing my listening skills.

Now, yesterday as I was in the movie theatre to see the newest installment of Batman (note to other dads out there- always pick the longest movie available when given the chance. Don't go to the short film festival- no no no. If the director's cut of Ghandi were playing, I'd see it no matter how good or bad it may be)... Matinee movies equal solitude and maybe even time for a nap.

Before said violence-fest movie. I was waiting in line to put a down payment on a 280 ounce diet coke. The line was incredibly looooooooong and moved at the pace of an Amtrack train from DC to NYC. It was here that I used my "bat-hearing" to listen in to the (I assumed) the two teenagers behind me. Their conversation went something like this:

"Look at the picture of this guy I used to date. He was so gorgeous."

"Oh my God! He is gorgeous."

"Yeah I had to stop dating him because he was so attractive other girls would try to fight me for him."

"Oh! I had the same problem with an attractive boyfriend. People were always looking at him."

"I stayed with him as long as I could- I'm sure he was as faithful as he could be when he was with me. (in a hushed tone) I was addicted to the sex with him, though."

"Is he married?"

"No, I look him up on facebook sometimes. He's not married."

"How old is he?"

"My age- 39" (!!!!!)

Now, maybe yours truly is naive, but I figured this was a conversation among teenagers, not grown women. Shows you what I know about what adult women talk about!

 I was so tempted to turn to them and tell them:

"When I was young, I had the same problem, except I was the hot one." just to see their reactions. But by the time I thought of it, it was my turn at the register.

Friday, July 27, 2012

This summer's Big Star!

"I just met you
and this is crazy
so here's my number 
and call me maybe"

Carly Rae Jepson's song is very popular here at the Foundation for listening to teenie-bopper pop songs these days. Carter Marie sings it non-stop and I think it is kind of a catchy little dittie. Everything can be improved, however. I have decided to re-work the chorus a bit. Here are some options I've come up with:

"I just ate you
and this is crazy
You were tasty
for a cheap pastry"

"That dog just bit you
and this is crazy
If you start foaming
you've got rabies" 

"It is hot
and this is crazy
I am sweating 
and it's so hazy"
"I am itching 
and this is crazy
It'd be a bummer 
if I had scabies"

"I sit on the couch 
and this is crazy
I don't do nothing
'cause I'm so lazy"

"This post is so dumb
and Rich is crazy
But that don't bother
or even faze me"

I realize that other people have parodied this song already, but I couldn't resist. Carly- she's one funky Canuck!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Being true to oneself

I remind myself of this often and I hope the kids  understand it someday:

Never ever be afraid to speak up for what is right even if it is not popular. You may lose friends and admirers, but that's o.k. Also remember that most people want what is right, there are just different ways of obtaining that goal. It does not mean that others are wrong, we just have diverse viewpoints. It's a big world and there is room for everyone, even those with whom you don't agree. Just don't be afraid to call them on it if they are full of you-know-what. Also, don't forget that sometimes you could be the one full of it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A moral (amoral) outing

Today, I went to see Brave with Carter Marie. It was a lot of fun and CM was a very good spectator. Come to think of it, even the four pre-teens next to us were good viewers as well. Now that I am paroled, I did not want to go all "teacher" on them for talking. It's in our DNA.

This little jaunt made me think of a movie trip that my brother John and I took with dear old dad back in the late 70s, early 80s. We were raised Catholic (except my parents only had two kids, not 14). Dad wanted to get some good old hollywood religion in us, so he took us to see a biblical movie called The Robe in which serial adulterer Richard Burton starred. Looking at the box below, it seems that the lead singer of KISS was also in it, starring as a woman.