Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dreaming big!

Young kids usually decide what they want to do for a job early on. Most of the time childhood dreams wilt under the glare of reality. Not many children actually become astronauts, I'm sure. There are probably a lot of crushed cosmonaut dreams in Sibera as well.

I was no different. First and foremost I wanted to be a garbage man. My parents nurtured this by letting me watch the "rash rucks" each morning. Ah the halcyon days of yore- wanting to spend a life disposing of other people's stinky rotting rubbish while dodging overfed vermin.

Next up was the idea that I would be a police officer. This career idea was inspired by watching "CHIPS" over and over again. I wanted to be Jon, ride the freeways and nab the perps.  The knight is shining armor keeping exit 227 on the 405 incident free.

Another fantasy job for me was to be an archeologist (I have seen Raiders of the Lost Ark 1,000 times.) I wanted to travel to distant lands, get out my trowel and dig dig dig! I even went so far as to actually buy a fake bullwhip and wear it around. Now that's cool.

Parenting has unexpectedly allowed me to pursue all three of these careers at once: I am a sanitation engineer as I get to empty the stinkin' diaper genie on a regular basis; I get to be a traffic cop keeping the young one's out of harm's way; I get to be an amateur archeologist when I analyze the dust-encrusted foodstuffs that I sweep from under the couch.  Oh the joy!!!

I'll make sure to teach the kiddos to never give up on their dreams- they just may come true.

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