Saturday, June 23, 2012

an "aquatastic" moment!!!!!

There are many a mythical creature that roam the hinterlands of our minds. Perhaps one is gaga for the griffin, loco for the liger, silly for the sasquatch, or undone by a unicorn. The legend, folktale, or urban legend that spawns these mythical monsters is immaterial. What is important is that people believe in them and hold them special in their hearts. 

I have such a creature that gnaws at my subconscience each and every waking moment. I was introduced to it by Kim, who is also held fast in its sway. I have been on the lookout for a few years now and I was beginning to believe that I would never actually see it "in the wild."

Until today.

You see, this magical creature is not really a creature at all, but a mix of lycra, spandex and poly-cotton fibers. It is called the "modesty swimsuit" and I can now claim to have seen one on a real living woman! Lest you be not aware of its particular allure, let me explain: It is a neck to ankle swimsuit that covers 94.745%  of a person's body. It may or may not have a gauzy, flouncy skirt attachment (those are particularly prized). Think of it as somewhere between a bikini and a burka. It's hot, it's throwback (to 1904) and I have now seen one in person!

My only regret is that I cannot find a male version.  

a special restrained and modest shout out to for this pilfered image.


  1. Unfortunately patriarchy doesn't call for the need of a modest male suit.
