Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mistaken Identity

What does it feel like to be mistaken for someone else? It would seem true that this has happened to everyone at some point. Dopplegangers abound. For instance, I could mistake my son Reid for a competitive eater. I could mistake my daughter Carter for a princess, or so she thinks. Kim is unmistakable. Writing otherwise would be to infer that there is another person on this planet as beautiful as she, and that could be dangerous territory. My father could have been mistaken for Mr. Drummond. My mother could have been mistaken for Barbara Billingsly, with an innate toughness and fluency in jive that can only come from being born in the Bronx.

Today, as I went to get pizza for lunch near Kim's work , the kid behind the counter mistook me for his college history professor, Dr. Nelson. I've never met this Dr. Nelson, but I'm thinking he's pretty handsome. I wonder if he is related to Adam Sandler's Bishop Nelson... At any rate, I am glad that pizza dude seemed to have liked the good Dr. because if he hadn't, maybe he would have slung steaming hot pizza sauce in my face.

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