Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Digit doldrums

History is dotted with people who have overcome physical limitations to excel in their chosen professions. Renoir had debilitating arthritis and continued to paint well into his sunset years. Beethoven had hearing problems (what?), yet he is considered one of the greatest composers of all time. The drummer for Def Leppard lost an arm in an auto accident and continued to beat the skins. Speaking of one-armed wonders, Jim Abbot threw a no-hitter even though he was missing a limb.  And of course lets not forget Mother Theresa, who helped the destitute when she herself was physically limited in her golden years.

Well, now I can be lauded with the aforementioned. It is with humble sincerity that I enter the pantheon of greatness reserved only for those who continue to do exceptional (or mediocre) things despite a handicap. It have great personal pride in being to share my thoughts today with the world two people who actually read this. Sadly, this morning, my right index finger was stuck with a safety pin. Despite the excruciating and debilitating pain, I have cast off the Dora band-aid (that I begged Carter for through my hot tears and wailing) in order to type this. Dedication to the beautiful transcends all discomfort. Move over Renoir, there's a new martyr on the scene.

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