Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So I have been one of those lucky people (don't hate me) who has always been able to eat as much food as I have wanted as often as possible. There has never been any question of moderation for me. Right now at 5'10" or so and 165 pounds, I am the biggest that I've ever been. Compare that to my college graduation weight of 130 and you'll see I've never been el gordo.

I had several interesting nicknames growing up- some of them highly insensitive, alluding to my lack of corporeal abundance, but hilarious nonetheless. I will not print them, however. I resigned myself to this fate of omnivorous indulgence and figured I'll never gain any weight. I, you see, was destined to wear ill-fitting size 32 pants my whole life... I used to wish that 34s would fit. How silly of me!

Now, as a mature (ahem) 40 year-old I realize there is this thing called a metabolism that humans have and apparently it slows down. I had not counted on this at all. Now it seems, I have to actively plan exercising and (gasp!) think about what I shove into my gullet. I have an acronym for this new state of affairs: WTF! Silly me, now I realize that I have been living in the penthouse and the elevator is going down vite vite as they say on the left bank...

This all leads me to my current conundrum- feeding the kids snacks all day long (or suffer the endless whining of wanting a snack every 2.4 seconds) and training myself not to dip into the bag for "just one" of whatever is being doled out. There never has been "just one" for me. I have decided to forgo snacks for the kiddos as much as possible. Good idea, bad idea? I don't know and I don't care. I did not sign up to be the "big daddy" on the block.

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