Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Stupid Circle

I have a theory: not everyone is smart all of the time and not everyone is dumb all the time. We are like hands on a clock that travel around the stupid circle. Sometimes we are in the smart zone and sometimes we are in the cretin corner. It's a theory with its flaws, but I don't want to hear about that.

For those of you who feel you may be in the idiot range today, this may help you visualize what I'm explaining:

12 to 6 is smartland and 6 to 12 is dumbville, fyi.

The other day, I encountered a driver who was living in morontown in a big way. I was driving with Reidster in the fast toll lane. I happened to look up from the sandwich I was eating, the text message I was sending and the newspaper I was reading to notice...

A car driving backwards about 5 mph in the middle lane as I approached at 60 or so!!!! Luckily due to my advanced ninja training from the Bruce Lee school of ass-kicking, I have the reflexes of a puma. I was able to avoid this person (who clearly was in the 6-12 range at the moment) and proceed on my merry way. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling kinda 9:30 right now, so I'm gonna go do something less-than-intelligent. Wish me luck!

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