Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Sonic Boom!

The other night I was in line at the Sonic drive-thru to quench my addiction for cherry limeades. I was listening to my Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute CD and feeling like all is well with the world. When I got to the almost head of the line, I noticed the guy in front of me (whose arm was out the window while ordering) had a lot of tattoos. 

Now, I have always associated tattoos with bad-asses. I realize now that everyone and their grandmother has them, from tramp stamps to, well, actually that's the only tattoo term I know. At any rate I think they look particularly stupid on people and I don't see the point. But to each his or her own and it's none of my business what others do with their bodies. 

So back to Sonicman. I took a closer look and noticed that he had a goatee and shaved head- well that increased my level of awe for this clearly deadly dude. Then I noticed a few things that altered my reality. First of all, he was driving a Chevy Traverse with all sorts of fancy pink monogram stickers on the back and stickers representing him, his wife and kid and their little doggie with a bow. How sweet! Then I saw that he was talking on the phone (to his wife?) seemingly asking what lovie-dovie wanted for din-din. Taking orders? But you have an arm full of tats and no hair and a scary goatee... Could it be, could it be, could it be that you be not as tough as thouest projectest???

The kicker was when I realized that their was a Dora video playing on the DVD thingie and the kid in the back was watching it. I came to the conclusion that this guy is a serious poseur and felt it necessary to tell him so in a loud and forceful voice....

To make a long story short, the doctor has told me that once the casts come off, I'll have 80% use of both arms. I will, however, be in traction for a few more weeks.

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