Monday, August 13, 2012


Ever since I have been a wee little child, I have been terrified of (most) insects. I trace this back to the crickets that lived in our garage. Whatever the genesis of my phobia, it persists to the day. 

This morning I had a flashback that would make an avid acid dropper jealous:

In 2003 when Kim moved into my apartment because she fell in love with me because she had no money, job or any other viable housing options, hurricane Isabelle hit our area. After this tempest in a teapot left our neighborhood, we opened the door to the balcony and there was a gargantuan ginormous hugely terrible green moth. It scared the hell out of me to say the least. 

Now, fast-forward to this morning. Kim and Carter left the house and there was a big moth asleep on the door. I was scared to leave the house, which I know is lame, but it's a phobia! I got it off the door with the business end of a broom and swooshed it off the porch. Mr. moth did not go quietly and I was in danger of soiling my drawers as I fought the foul creature. 

All's well that ends well, unless you are the moth. He won't be napping on my door again.

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