Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why didn't y'all just stay home?

So last night I decided that actually attempting to create something mildly nutritional so that my children will not be shackled to the yoke of ricketts or scurvy was not possible. I decided that plan B (no not that pregnancy pill, you dirty scoundrel) was more beneficial to...well... ME! And thusly was the decision to crank up the 2011 Honda Fit that gets me and others places. 

When we got to the restaurant, I noticed a dad and his son sitting across from each other. He of the puerile persuasion was glued to the screen of his I-Pad, I-Phone, I-don't really care what it is cause I-will never have one of them there I-thingamabobs. As if that were not antisocial enough, I noticed that the elder diner (who was actually younger than me) had a set of headphones pardon me, "earbuds" in listening to something or somewhat or whatever. 

Being a traditionalist when it comes to media devices (I still call the operator to connect me whist dialing on my rotary phone), I was aghast and confused. Why bother going out of the damn house if you are not going to interact with the kids? As I was lauding myself for being a superior father than he of the temporary aural implants, I turned to Carter Marie and said "Are you enjoying your food, honey?" I was meant with the stone cold silence that I used to endure whenever I asked a girl out on a date between the ages of 16 and 31. More uncomfortable than an undersized pair of wool tightie-whities.

And what does my dear daughter say to me. "Leave me alone Dad, I'm watching Ice Age on that boy's computer over there."

'Tis moments such as these that add the "joie" to my "vivre"

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