Wednesday, November 7, 2012

electoral epitatph

R.I.P. 2012 elections. I'm gonna miss you, but I don't know what I'll miss most...

Could it be the trashy low class political ads that many Americans chose to watch? Could it be the garbage mailers that inundated my mailbox?  Could it be the wastefulness of people putting up 5-10 of the same signs in their yards (seriously, WTF)? Could it be the nauseating amount of money that was spent by corporations and super-pacs because of that horrid Citizens United Supreme Court decision? Could it be the latent and overt racism? Could it be the trashing of a man's religious beliefs? I'll be honest, it's none of these things. 

 Now, anyone who knows me at all realizes that I am extremely happy about the outcome of last night's elections and certain ballot measures (way to go Maryland and Maine- civil rights always take the day).  Be that as it may, there's a lot of work to do to create a true democracy where every human is valued and appreciated, not for what s/he produces, but for what s/he is.

Clearly, some people are not happy with last night's election results or the direction in which they perceive we are going. That is o.k. Being a good citizen and a good human to me means loving everyone no matter what differences we may have. And lastly, WE (all of us) are the government. It's not some preternatural nebulous entity that exists on a metaphysical plane.

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